NSpine Cadaveric Training Course
University of Stellenbosch, Biomedical Research Institute, Cape Town, South Africa

Event Details:

Date: November 1-2, 2024
Venue: Sunskill Laboratory, Biomedical Research Institute, Stellenbosch University

Our course is designed to empower the next generation of spinal surgeons through immersive, hands-on training in Endoscopy, ALIF/XLIF, and Cervical procedures. Led by an esteemed international and local faculty, handpicked for their unparalleled expertise and dedication to teaching, this event is set within the state-of-the-art Sunskill Laboratory at the prestigious Biomedical Research Institute of Stellenbosch University.


Course Highlights:

  • Hands-on Training: Three delegates per workstation with rotating faculty to optimize training exposure.
  • Expert Faculty: International and local experts renowned for their skills and teaching ability.
  • Modular Rotation: Up to 2 full days of hands-on training through modular rotations at workstations.
  • Preparatory Lectures: Access to a series of preparatory lectures provided through our partners at eccElearning.
  • Case Discussions: Engage in case discussions led by local and international experts.


Course Structure:

Our two-day course is meticulously structured to provide in-depth training on both intermediate and advanced techniques, ensuring that participants are well-equipped with the latest knowledge and skills in Endoscopy, ALIF/XLIF, or Cervical procedures.

Delegates will receive up to 2 full days of hands-on training through a modular rotation at workstations.

In addition to this, they will be provided with a series of preparatory lectures prior to the event through our partners at eccElearning. Incorporated in the course structure, delegates will also get access to our case discussions led by local and international experts.

The NSpine Cadaveric Surgical Training Course in Cape Town is not just an event; it is a platform for innovation, collaboration, and growth. Surgeons from around the world gather at NSpine events, and this course, in particular, is tailored for those with a keen interest in learning or furthering their skills in Endoscopy Techniques, ALIF/XLIF, or Cervical procedures.

We look forward to welcoming you to Cape Town!

Register online today

Course Format and Content

Course format:

  • Whole day dissection and reconstruction workshop across different workstations
  • Theory sessions will be curated by NSpine and eccElearning faculty.
    Training sessions are augmented by case discussions during delegate rotation.
  • All delegates are guaranteed a hands-on session within their program
  • Maximum delegate number per workstation is 3 with faculty rotating.

Learning objectives:

  • To perform posterior and anterior approaches to the subaxial spine
  • To anatomically dissect muscle layers, vascular, visceral and neural structures, hereby gaining a
    detailed understanding of the surgical topography.
  • Where applicable correctly handle endoscopic and microsurgical visual aids and instruments
  • Where applicable perform neural decompression and other defined procedures around
    anterior and lateral reconstruction of the lumbar and subaxial cervical spine.

Learning outcomes (after the event delegates will be able to):

  • Perform technical steps of posterior endoscopic foraminotomy.
  • Perform posterior and anterior approaches to the subaxial cervical spine.
  • Perform anterior decompressive techniques including discectomy and resective techniques
    including subaxial vertebrectomy
  • Perform anterior and posterior reconstructive techniques including ACDF / TDR, vertebral body
    replacement lateral mass and pedicle screw fixation.
  • Perform technical steps of Anterior and Lateral lumbar interbody fixation.
  • Perform technical steps of interlaminar and transforaminal endoscopy


At NSpine, we take pride in bringing together a distinguished group of experts in the field of endoscopy ALIF/XLIF techniques and Cervical spine surgery to lead our Cadaveric Surgical Training Course in Cape Town. Our faculty members are renowned for their exceptional skills, vast experience, and commitment to advancing spinal surgery. Please note that as clinicians with patient responsibility, faculty and faculty allocations are potentially subject to change.

Vincent Hagel

Darren Lui
United Kingdom

Shawn Venter
South Africa

Samir Smajic

Adriaan Vlok
South Africa

Johannes Davis
South Africa


Our faculty members not only possess extensive knowledge but also have a genuine commitment to sharing their expertise with course participants. They are dedicated to providing a comprehensive learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on training

Please note the Faculty is subject to change.

Sunskill Laboratory

The state-of-the-art Sunskill Laboratory of Tygerberg Medical Campus opened in 2016 following a multi-million investment initiative in health care training.

Sunskill features eight fully customizable, purpose-designed operating stations and is comprehensively equipped with surgical instrumentation, power drills, endoscopes, suction devices, and electro-cautery to simulate a functional operative theatre. The facility also offers four high-definition surgical microscopes and image-guided navigation complemented by two C-arm fluoroscopes and a sophisticated ‘O-Arm’, making the facility unrivalled on the continent.

Mounts, braces, and cushioning provide the ability to replicate the surgical set-up necessary to deliver world-class surgical care. Augmented reality training is increasingly included in surgical planning and training.

Extensive lecture theatres and break-out rooms are situated at the venue along with exhibition space for networking.

NSpine is building a series of comprehensive spine surgery courses at Sunskill, building on the extensive experience in running complex multidisciplinary spine surgery courses in Europe.

Register online today

Delegate Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all payments/registrations made for NSpine events. By using the online payment facility on this website you implicitly accept these general terms and conditions.

In registering for any NSpine event you agree to not hold NSpine or the venue of the event responsible for personal injury or any adverse health effect. You are requested to obtain your own travel, health and personal injury insurance.

Cancellation policy & refunds

– Cancellations before August 1st 2024 will be refunded up to 90%.
– Cancellations after August 1st 2024 will not be refunded.

Refunds are limited to the course fee only. Please be advised that we are unable to assume responsibility for any incurred losses related to travel, accommodation, or other associated expenses.

Cancellations are only accepted in writing to registrations@nspine.com

Apart from the above, participants shall not be entitled to any refund or compensation should political or economic circumstances or a case of “force majeure” outside of the control of NSpine prevent the event from being held, limit its size or modify its nature.

NSpine reserves the right of admission.

Credit card information and payment
By using the payment gateways on this site you confirm that you have the authority for use of the credit card and that any associated information is correct. You furthermore authorise NSpine to charge the booked amount to your card.

We cannot accept liability if the payment is refused or declined by the credit/ debit card supplier (due to the customer quoting incorrect card details or other reasons).

German law is applicable and the site of legal disputes is Munich/Germany.

About Nspine

Spine Education since 2013: NSpine is an entirely independent company exclusively focused on spine health care education. Since the inaugural conference in 2013, NSpine has grown exponentially and now features annual, highly respected meetings which traditionally attract over 500 attendees from across the globe.

Clinical Problem Solving and Emerging Tech: The focus of NSpine meetings is on clinical problem solving, decision-making and forwarding surgical techniques and technology. With this in mind the meetings are crafted to meet the demands of working surgeons

Advanced Cadaveric and Live Tissue Training: NSpine has a tradition of offering highest quality hands-on cadaveric training courses. This has now been expanded to include training at the world renowned IRCAD institute in Strasbourg France through the NSpine combined cadaveric and live tissue training series.

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