Foreword from NSpine Founder

What does NSpine mean to me.

Over the years there has been very positive resonance to the training and educational content NSpine provides but also controversy as to the its aims and intent.

Founding NSpine was a means of generating an independent platform for working surgeons, allied health care professionals and spine related medtech industry to exchange knowledge and share expertise. It was structured as a forum to preserve surgical techniques and skills, to be passed on through generations.
It has intentionally been kept clear of hierarchical membership structures, politics and industrial ties.


As such it was also conceived as a platform for engineers and industrial professionals to engage with surgeons.
Medtech companies are respected and valued as their implants are pivotal in improving the health of the patients we treat.

What is in it for me ? In essence the satisfaction of enabling knowledge to be transferred and providing a platform for surgeons working in the front line to gain the knowledge critical for them. There has not been a single NSpine event where I have not personally gained new knowledge and taken techniques back for my practice. Is it driven by financial gain ? In years when NSpine was profitable prior to Covid funds were reinvested into developing programs including recording lectures and the history of spine surgery videos. Since Covid profit margins are substantially lower and investments slowed. Nevertheless NSpine has entered agreements to work under a foundation umbrella. Personal financial gain ? No, this is not a viable vehicle for personal enrichment. The currency traded by NSpine is surgical education and training satisfaction.

What really drives me to continue NSpine is when colleagues tell me the techniques learnt have helped them salvage a dangerous vascular complication, when I see new ideas for surgical technology arise from surgeons networking with industry. When I see the enlightenment of having understood a particular surgical technique in the lab. This is what makes it worth while.

Increasingly we are involving new faculty to develop the programs and continue passing on knowledge – it is inspirational to watch this develop and I hope it will continue to be used and grow.

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Bronek Boszczyk
Spine Surgeon | NSpine Founder

We're Passionate About Spinal Healthcare Education

NSpine aspires to be the worlds most comprehensive spine review course; a unique learning environment which seeks to amalgamate the latest research and surgical practice in the treatment of the spine. Catering to all manner of professionals across the globe’s healthcare industry, from doctors and nurses through to anaesthetists and vets, we gather the leading lights in spinal disciplines to advance your knowledge of best practice procedures.

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