Jean-Charles Le Huec, born in 1958, Education: he completed all of his education in his homeland, France. First at the Rennes school of medicine and then at Bordeaux university. In […]
Jean-Charles Le Huec, born in 1958,
Education: he completed all of his education in his homeland, France. First at the Rennes school of medicine and then at Bordeaux university. In 1987 he was fellow in Montreal (Canada) and participated in a various research project (spine). He became a medical doctor in 1987 and got in 1990 a Master degree in Biomechanics and finally a PhD on biomaterials in 1997. In 1998 he became a full Professor of orthopaedics and traumatology.
Professor Le Huec is Chief of Spine Unit and chairman of Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology at Polyclinic Bordeaux Nord Aquitaine and professor at Bordeaux University. He is a board member of the hospital and Director of the laboratory of surgical research at the Bordeaux University School of Medicine.
Prof Le Huec moved to Polyclinique Bordeaux Nord Aquitaine in 2019, where he is the chairman of the spine unit.
Domain of activities: He participates in numerous research projects about spine pathologies, biomaterials and computer-assisted surgery (national and international coordinator of european clinical researches). He has a special interest in spinal balance and alignment. He developed many devices dedicated to spine treatment.
Professor Le Huec has over 140 publications in pubmed and 151 chapters in books.
He has many papers referenced on medline, OVID etc, and participated in many journals, books, chapters and a special skill for education in the European Spine Society and Foundation, ISASS and SFCR.. He is a reviewer for OTSR, JSDT, IJSS, and deputy editor for european spine journal.
Professor Le Huec is a member of the French College and Society of Orthopaedic Surgery, past president European Spine Society(SSE), member of ISSLS and of the North American Spine Society (NASS)(education committee), Spine arthroplasty society (ISASS past president), SFCR (french spine society past president)
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